Inventory UPC
Save Time Manually Entering Inventory Information
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Barcode Inventory Lookup

If you are receiving barcoded Inventory often and do not want to enter the Stock Item information manually, this feature can help automate your process. The UPC (Universal Product Code) Lookup feature gathers information from UPC databases online for an entered UPC barcode, allowing users to quickly add a new Stock Item number without having to enter the information manually or leaving our Inventory System.

UPC Lookup Settings

Inventory System UPC Lookup Image1
Users can enable UPC lookups in the System Configuration. This option can be enabled in the Stock item file. Save time by easily scanning and searching for new Stock Item numbers through the UPC Lookup feature instead of doing so manually.

Mobile Universal Product Code Query

Users can simply scan the product’s barcode using a mobile barcode scanner or our mobile app.  After scanning, click on the Universal Product Code Query Icon, then the search icon to generate a list of Universal Product Code inventory item search results.  After selecting the UPC information necessary, our Inventory system will auto-populate all of the data required for the Stock item #.
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