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2020 Universal Registration Document

Universal Registration Document

Universal Registration Document – Annual report

Strategic positioning, activity development, key figures… The annual reports of the last years let you discover Schneider Electric’s evolution.

Universal Registration Document – ESEF

Official Universal Registration Documents in European Single Electronic Format (ESEF) published according to the European Legislation.

Half-year Interim report

The interim reports of the last years let you discover Schneider Electric’s evolution.

Integrated reports

With our integrated report, we want to bring to all our stakeholders the strategic information that we regularly present to investors and shareholders. The purpose of this document is to demonstrate in a few pages how the strategy that Schneider Electric deploys creates value for all its stakeholders.

Sustainability reports

Because sustainable development is an integral part of Schneider Electric’s strategy, our Group is publishing a Strategy and Sustainability report (Key figures, interviews with stakeholders, actions in favor of new behaviors, ...). Download those documents to learn more about our commitments.

Vigilance plan reports

The French law on the duty of vigilance has introduced a framework by which the French authorities can hold companies accountable for their impact on human rights and the environment. In order to comply with the provisions of this law and reflect our sustainability ambition, we publish each year a specific report to present our vigilance plan and its progress.

Compliance Reports

From current trends and key developments, through our vision and people, to recent achievements, the Annual Compliance Reports provide the latest on our compliance program and strategy.

Sustainability Disclosure Dashboard

Discover all Schneider Electric annual ESG data and SASB, TCFD, GRI and WEF reporting in one place.

Contact Investor Relations

Are you a shareholder or investor? Would you like to become one? Contact the Schneider Electric Investor Relations department for complete information.

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